Monday, October 20, 2008

My Least Favorite Phrase

Original Post Date: September 3, 2006

I don't know why I'm on this kick so strongly today. I try not to be bitter. However, I'm going to share my least favorite phrase:

"Guess who's engaged!"

Now, if it's a family member, I'm thrilled for them. If I hear the phrase followed by the name of my cousin who has never been married but is dating a really nice guy, I'll be over the moon for her!

However, if that phrase is followed by some people who are much younger than me, I'm usually a little annoyed. Oh, sure, I'm happy for them. Yay. Go you. But I'd really like for it to be my turn.

Okay, moving past the bitterness. Hey! Look at me! I have all this free time to do whatever I want!!! That's why I'm in huge-dilemma-ville about the possibility of 4 shows. 2 that overlap in November and 2 that overlap in March. ARG!!!!

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