Monday, October 20, 2008

Why I'm starting to hate the chorus

Original Post Date: October 8, 2006

I used to say that I loved being in the chorus. I could do whatever I wanted and no one cared. I was free, within the confines of show of course, to be whoever I wanted to be. Well, I suppose I've been in the chorus a few too many times now. Apparently, no one sees me as anything other than a chorus girl. No one will give me the chance to actually ACT. I hate to sound like a Prima Donna. That goes against every fiber of my being. I hate Prima Donnas. However, I'm sure feeling like one today. I wanted a certain lead role (and it wasn't even all that "leading". It was a supporting role.) However, I got called back for a chorus part with two freaking solos. Whoopee. I gave up a chance to audition for a show I would have been PAID TO DO, for two lousy, freaking, unmemorable solos. I wanted that other role so badly and I thought I had a decent shot at it. Well, apparently not! Now how to go back and say "Well, I put on my audition sheet that I would accept a chorus role because you needed mezzos. I thought I was going to be cast in the role I auditioned for, though. So, I'm going to go audition elsewhere and if that doesn't work out, I'm come be in the chorus. So what I'm saying is, I said I'd be in the chorus, but I really didn't mean it." That goes against everything I stand for to say something like that.

The director doesn't know me from Adam. Why should she care that I wanted that part? Apparently, I'm only good enough for the freaking chorus. Well, news flash...I'm bored with the chorus. Bored to tears. I want to stretch and learn, but I've gone as far as I can go as Ensemble Girl #1.

Venting complete. At least for now.

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