Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I could ask one question

Original Post Date: July 19, 2008

So, I was just over on Yahoo! Answers. They have this thing going right now where you can submit one question to ask Christian Bale. They'll pick the best one and he'll answer it. Well, I, of COURSE, had to submit something. Hmm...what to ask, what to ask. Something about Batman perhaps? Or what's it like to work with Hugh Jackman? No, I asked the following question:

With all your success in movies, especially with the Batman franchise, does it bother you at all that I (and most girls around my age) will always think of you as Jack Kelly from "Newsies"? It's one of my favorite movies!!

I don't think they'll pick that one, but given the chance I just HAD to ask!! No matter what movies he does, Christian Bale is Jack Kelly. That's all there is to it. Just like Neil Patrick Harris is always Doogie Howser, Johnny Depp is Sam from "Benny and Joon", and Leo DiCaprio is Luke on "Growing Pains"! It's just the way it is.

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