Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Politics, Schmolitics: or Just Leave Me the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks ALONE!

Original Post Date: September 8, 2008

Yesterday (Sunday afternoon…not even an hour after I got home from the theatre), someone came to my door representing the political party that I am not registered with. They asked for me or my sister. Well, since I was home, I went to the door. I immediately told him that I was registered with the other party. He asked me if I intended to vote along those party lines in the election. I said that at this point, I probably would. He then asked me what I thought was my most important issue in the election. I replied that I really didn't know yet. I have been really busy and I usually don't start paying attention until mid-October. He thanked me for my time and left. I was pretty mad that he had come to my door at all. Where does he get off? And where the HECK did he get my name and address?! I get enough junk mail and phone calls from the party I am affiliated with. I don't need the OTHER party harassing me!

Call me ignorant if you want, but I don't pay attention to politics if I can at all help it. I've got enough to worry about. I don't need to get sucked into the mud slinging mess that IS politics. I call myself a Flaming Moderate. (A term I stole from a History professor I had in college.) I don't always vote along party lines. There are certain issues I agree with on both sides. I registered with a party when I was 18, because I agreed with more of their issues, and so that I could participate in Primaries and Caucuses. (Fat lot of good that did me this year: the Caucus was the biggest snooze fest I've ever been to, and the Primary had no contested races, so I didn't even take the time to drive to the polls.) I probably should re-register as an Independent, but that just takes too much work. Especially when I don't give a rat's left toenail about politics.

Have I mentioned that I HATE POLITICS?! Seriously, people need to just get over themselves. Every time I hear an ad come on the radio, I change the station. I mute the TV when they come on there, or change the station. I have to feel very passionate about an issue or candidate to get involved at ALL. (And my candidate of choice dropped out of the race months ago, and didn't get the VP nomination.) And I'm really sick of hearing "I'm going to get in there and CHANGE WASHINGTON." That makes me laugh every single time. My response is "Yeah, you do that. Let me know how that works out for you." While I definitely agree that Washington needs to change, I have yet to see or hear from anyone again who made that promise to do so. The only way you will change Washington is to replace every single senator and congressperson. Everyone who gets elected goes in their with all their plans for change, and within a couple of months they have been influenced by the senior members of their party to lock arms with the party and do whatever everyone else is doing. It happens all the time. Don't tell me that it doesn't. This is why I hate politics. Nothing good comes from it…at least not very often.

I plan on waiting until mid to late October to really sit down and look at the issues. By that time, the dust is starting to settle and everything is laid out. There aren't many surprises. I will take the time to study it out then. If I start paying attention now, everything will change by the time November rolls around. I'll drive myself bonkers if I try to figure it all out now! I have enough on my plate right now. I don't have the time or energy to even care what's going on. So I'm going to ignore the political ads, skip over the commentary section of the paper, and stop watching TV. Oh, wait…I already stopped watching TV. There's nothing on yet, and I don't have time to watch it anyway.

So, please note: don't bug me about anything political. I don't want to hear it. Just leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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