Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My greatest fear realized!

Original Post Date: February 5, 2008

Okay, so it isn't my greatest fear anymore, but it was for 2 1/2 years. The bank where I used to work got robbed at gunpoint yesterday. I was so scared that was going to happen to me when I worked there. It's a constant fear for tellers. We used to blow it off, saying there was no way anyone would rob the place. It's too open and light on the inside, and you walk past about 20 people to get to the teller line. But that didn't deter this guy, apparently. Yikes!!!!! I'm a little wigged out about it today. It could have been me getting robbed! We were trained in what to do, but you just never know how you'll react. I'd like to think I would be levelheaded, but I'm sure I would have passed out on the floor or something.

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