Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lessons Learned

Original Post Date: September 20, 2008

So, I've learned something this year. Last year, I auditioned for something and I wanted a specific role. I didn't get the role, and I was devastated at first. I moved on and did the role I was cast in, but it kind of threw me for a loop. But there was another show I auditioned for last year, where I would only accept one of 2 roles. And if I didn't get cast, that was okay, too. I got that role. (Well...I got one of them, and then ended up playing the other role instead. Yes, I'm talking about Fiddler.) But then there was another show...I said I'd take any role, and I didn't get called back for a specific role that I would have liked. I asked to be considered for it, which was a big step for me. I'm usually not that forward at auditions. I didn't get it, but that was okay. I had at least taken a chance. And I had a blast in the ensemble! Finally, I auditioned for another show and I wanted a specific part. I didn't get it, even though I thought I was the best for it. That made me more than a little frustrated, but I did as I was cast...and stressful as the show was, it was a good experience, on so many levels.

Then this year rolled around....

I had one week in between Savior of the World and Fiddler rehearsals. Before Fiddler was even done, I auditioned for The Miracle Worker. I didn't expect much out of that. I do musical theatre, and that was a play. So I went in with no expectations, just looking for a little audition experience. Especially, since I am notoriously bad at cold readings. It was a dream show, so I went. And I got Kate Keller. Turned out to be a HUGE growth experience for me. I'm much more comfortable with speaking lines on stage now. I really needed that! (Tzeitel helped with that, too. I'm not as stiff onstage as I once was. I still have a loooooooooooong way to go, though.) Well, the weekend before Tech Week started, I auditioned for Little Women. Again, I had no expectations. I knew I was too old to play one of the girls. But, I love the show to pieces, and would just be happy to be involved. If I got it, great! If not, I could have a break and cut my hair!!! I got it. I'm very excited to be playing Aunt March. Character Cameos are my forte!

So what have I learned? Not to take stuff so seriously. Go in with zero expectations. Don't go in wanting a specific role...and if I do, be okay with not getting it. I don't need to think it's life or death if I don't get the part. Because it's not. I don't work professionally, so I won't starve if I don't get the part. But at the same time, I have to show I have confidence. I still need to go in and give the best audition that I can...which is easy when I'm not super nervous about it. Okay, I don't really get nervous anymore...I get anxious. And I can get really worked up about stuff. It's all about getting the butterflies to fly in formation. That's all it is. And when I'm not worried about whether or not I'll get the part, it's easier to get the butterflies to do what I want them to.

So that's what I've learned. When I start taking stuff too seriously, theatre ceases to be fun. If it wasn't fun, I wouldn't do it. And if I wasn't doing theater...well, let's not go there. ;)

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