Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Something funny

Original Post Date: March 9, 2008

Last night, my sister reminded me of something that happened a very long time ago. We were driving home from Greeley, listening to the Original Broadway Cast recording of "The Little Mermaid." She reminded me that when I was about 12 or 13, I wanted high heels really badly. My argument to my was this:

"Ariel had only had legs for a day, and she's wearing high heels. Why can't I wear them?"

Only smart-aleckly little Angela could come up with something like that and think it was a viable excuse. LOL! I had totally forgotten about that. I don't remember when I actually did get my first pair of high heels, but I do remember wearing some in a play in 8th grade, so it wasn't too long after that.

And the funny thing is, even though I am a vertically challenged individual, I now HATE high heels. With the burning passion of a thousand suns. I wear them if I have to...and it's usually just Character Shoes for shows. Even then, if I can get away without them, I do. They hurt my feet.

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