Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Thoughts on the Oscars

Original Post Date: February 24, 2008

I'm blogging as I watch. I should be easier this way...I hope.

First off: I LOVE JON STEWART!!!

Secondly...of the 24 categories, there are 15 categories in which I haven't seen any of the movies. I say boo! Read my previous Oscar blogs to see how I feel about THAT!!!!!!!!! So, yeah....I might zone out for awhile.

***Start Random Ramblings***

Who did Jennifer Garner's hair? Looks like she just threw it in a bun.

They keep making movies about Elizabeth about a movie of "The Pirate Queen"? Cate Blanchett would be a great Elizabeth...can she sing that high? Hmm....

That was a very nice tribute to "80 Years of Oscar". Really nice!

Steve Carell rocks my world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I was going to walk out if Ratatouille didn't win. YAY FOR RATATOUILLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was seriously the cutest movie of the year, hands down. I LOVE IT!!

I kind of want to see La Vie en Rose. But I'd have to be in the mood to read subtitles...which I'm usually not.
Amy Adams was nervous. Who wouldn't be? But she hid it really well, though. Kudos to Amy!!! I adore that song! I can't wait to learn it when I get the music next week! :) I'm not going to lie, though: I missed the dancing cockroaches. I'm making my prediction now that "That's How You Know" will win the Oscar. You just can't beat it! It's perfection.

Wow! Cate Blanchett is pulling a Catherine Zeta-Jones/Annette Bening. She looks like she could pop that kiddo out at any moment!

Is it bad to be happy when people win who don't speak English as their first language? Their speeches are shorter. And their accents are awesome!

Didn't see Javier Bardem's win coming. Not at all. SHEESH! That one was a sure thing. Whatever that was that he said in Spanish, his mom sure liked.

Oscar's Salute to Binoculars and Periscopes? ROFL!!!!!!!

I love "Raise it Up" from August Rush. Great movie! Great song!!!

Wait...what? When did Owen Wilson get nominated for an Oscar? Research time: Ah...The Royal Tenenbaums, for writing. Good to know.

Okay, note to self: stay off of when I'm not watching the show live. I just saw who won Best Live Action Short before it was announced. Whoops!!

Someone ran off with Tilda Swinton's sleeve!!!! But hey, she's mostly covered!! And it's a shock she even won! I thought Ruby Dee had that one in the bag!!!

Can I put James McAvoy in my pocket? And keep him forever? He's freaking adorable. I am such a sucker for a Scot.

Blah blah blah....president of the Academy...blah blah blah

"That's How You Know"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kristin Chenoweth did a great job, but she's no Amy Adams. LOL! I never thought I would say that! I just checked, and this is supposed to be over at 9:30. HAH! Like THAT'LL happen. They still have 14 awards to present! We're not even half way through.

I think Seth Rogen does have a Halle Berry vibe, but that's just me. :)

The Bourne Ultimatum is a great movie. Yay for them winning Best Sound Editing! And Best Sound Mixing. I want to be a Foley Artist when I grow up.

Wait...isn't it a little early to be giving out Best Actress? It's only 8:10 pm! Oh, well...we all know it's going to Julie Christie. Okay, so I was wrong. Marion Cotillard won! Good for her. I really ought to check out that movie.

It's so refreshing to see winners that I just so overwhelmed that they can barely put two sentences together. I can't believe that won. I love that. It's not like they expected it (like so many do) and you can just see their utter bewilderment and excitement. I love it!

Sweet!!! Wii Tennis! I totally rocked that game time I played it.

Okay...the song from "Once". They filmed the movie in 17 days. Sounds like they wrote the song in 17 minutes.

I'm glad that showed all the movies that have won Best Picture. It was fun to yell "THAT IS A GOOOOOOOD MOVIE!" several times.

Nicole Kidman's necklace is crooked. Don't they have people backstage to check that kind of thing?

Why is the guy winning the honorary Oscar wearing a scarf? Doesn't he know he's in LA?

"So Close"....sooooooooooooo amazing. Okay, so they can recreate Central Park and the Ballroom scene, but they can't recreate the dancing cockroaches? Seriously, people.

Here we go, people...the only category of the night that I really care about...Best Original Song:and the winner is.......... WHAT THE CRAP? THAT SONG SUCKED!!!! Falling Slowly had like three notes in it. I SAY BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am not amused. Boo. Again, I SAY BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!


I think if you took Kristin Chenoweth and stretched her, she would be Cameron Diaz.

You know..."there will be blood" is a turn off of a title for me. Usually, when I'm checking into a movie, that's one the things that will make me not want to see it. It's right up there with "there will be lots of swearing" and "there will be a sex scene."

That was cool to have servicemen and women in Iraq do one of the awards. Very nice!

4 awards to go, and only 10 minutes left in the "scheduled" broadcast. I don't think we're going to make it.

Diablo Cody just needs a bone in her hair and she's Pebbles. And apparently she's wearing $1 million dollar shoes that we can't see because her dress is floor length. Children are starving in Africa. Hellooooooooooo!!!

Helen Mirren's dress is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it.

And the Oscar for Best Actor goes to....Daniel Day Lewis. Didn't see that one coming. Pfffft.

Best Director was no surprise. And Best Picture probably won't be either. I've heard that the movie is awful. I don't know why they keep honoring it. Oh, well. That's Hollywood!

Yep...No Country for Old Men. No way I'll see that movie. And no way that I'll be happy it won. Bbbllllllllt.

***End Random Ramblings***

Overall, it was a fun night. Jon Stewart is hilarious! He did a great job as host. I hope they ask him back. He's no Billy Crystal, but then, who is? I'm still upset about Best Original Song, but I'll live. Happy 80th Birthday, Oscar!

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