Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Those April Fool's Days Gone By

Original Post Date: April 1, 2008

I say that the 4th of July is my favorite holiday, but’s April Fools Day. There is just so much satisfaction to be had for playing fun pranks, telling fibs, etc...and totally getting away with it. I love it! And I have played some doozies in the past. In fact, I couldn’t even come up with anything this year that could top what I’ve done in the past. Which is fine, because if I take a year or two off, then no one expects anything. Then BOOM! I hit ’em again. It’s great!

I’ve been reminiscing today about April Fool’s Days gone by. There was the year I told everyone I was engaged to a guy I had just barely met. Then there was the year that I told them my ex-boyfriend had called me out of the blue and wanted to get married. (That one lasted for months, because I forgot to e-mail out a retraction. 6 months after the fact, my aunt found out about it and called me. It was hilarious!) I don’t think I can play the "I’m engaged" joke anymore, because if I ever actually do get engaged, no one will ever believe me.

My favorite joke was I think my junior year of college. I told everyone that I had been accepted into a Study Abroad program in Africa, studying ancient choral music. It seemed like something I might have done, so more people believed that one. Another fun one was when I told my boyfriend at the time (no, wait...we had broken up by that point.) that I had lost the Les Miz tickets. He freaked! I think it was last year that I sent out a message saying that I was moving to New York City to try and make it as an actress. A couple people believed that one. I know there have been some other great ones, but I just can’t think of them. And I can’t think of a way to top any of them. So you guys are off the hook this year. Although, we did play a fun one on my boss. All 4 of us were supposed to call or text him and say we were in car accidents and wouldn’t be into work today. Only 2 of us remembered, so it didn’t have the full effect we were looking for. But it was still fun. And here is the sign that I made that is currently posted on the bathroom door:

So, Happy April Fool’s Day everyone! Sorry I didn’t play a trick on you this year. Seriously, you don’t know how sorry I am.

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