Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Titanic: The Freaking Amazing Musical

Original Post Date: August 16, 2008

You know, I always forget how fun it is to see great productions of shows that I love. Especially shows that I know backwards and forwards. I can sit back and enjoy the minute details. Most people don't notice the little things...they are trying to take in the show as a whole. But when I know every line and every song...when I have been in the show before...I can focus on those little things. That is one of the reasons that I so thoroughly enjoyed Augustana Arts production of "Titanic: The Musical" today. There are so many big things that make that show amazing. The build up to "Godspeed Titanic" is one. (That was the first time I cried, by the way.) But there are so many little details that make that show even more incredible. And're my hero for bringing them out. I knew I was a goner when I started with the waterworks 10 minutes into the show.

It was a little surreal today. I did that show 5 years ago. And some of the same people who were in that show were also in this one. 2 played the same roles, 4 played different roles. At times, I felt like I should have been up there with them. It's been so long since we did that show...but it all came back today. But that's only part of why I bawled throughout the entire show. Titanic is such an emotional show. You spend Act One getting attached to all of these characters. You know that the ship is going to sink, you know that some of them are going to die. But you really don't know who. The ship hits the iceberg at the end of Act One (Awesome sound effect, by the way. I like how my seat vibrated with the rumble. Felt so real!!!!) You spend the first half of Act 2 still wondering who is going to live or die. The class distinction is still there. (One of those little details I liked was during "Dressed in Your Pyjamas in the Grand Salon". After the teacart has its moment, the class distinction's everyone together after that.) Then the Lifeboat scene hits you right between the eyes. The separations start, and as you watch the passengers realize that they are going to be leaving their loved ones (or watch their loved ones leave on a lifeboat), the emotions go nuts. (This was Bawl-fest 2...and I pulled it together a bit by the time "We'll Meet Tomorrow" started, up until Seth's solo. Then it was all over for me. Watching him break down made ME break down!!! And the Strausses didn't help either!!!) And then there's the end. I loved the added touches to "Mr. Andrews Vision." Having cast members act out bits and pieces of what Andrews was describing made it that much more real and heart wrenching.

Can you tell that I just adore this show and adored this production? It was well done, from every aspect! I especially loved the use of the pit. The "fire" for "Barrett's Song", watching the lifeboats lower, seeing passengers jump off the ship at the end. All incredibly effective! I'm all about effectiveness on stage.

So a big THANK YOU to Augustana Arts for a wonderful performance of a wonderful show. I'm going to stop gushing now before I run out of adjectives. But first, KUDOS to: Aaron, Alison, Britta, Bryan, Jessica, Jimmy, Kendra, Lee Ann, Robert, Seth, & Staci. You guys ROCK MY SOCKS!!!!! Love you all!

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