Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Paper or Plastic: A New Musical

Original Post Date: August 1, 2008

Have you ever wanted to change yourself just to you can be with someone? Have you wanted someone else to change for you? Have you ever found out something about someone you like that was a total deal breaker? Have you ever laughed so hard watching a musical that you almost fell off your chair? (Wait...that last one was just me.)

I had the opportunity...nay, the privilege of attending the World Premiere of a brand new musical tonight. Paper or Plastic, by Spencer Townshend Hughes, is WONDERFUL!!!! It's funny, witty, charming, touching, and an all-around awesome musical. It really speaks to those who have ever been in a relationship like that what I mentioned above. Doug hates singing, dancing, people who write songs, people who sing and write songs, etc....but yet, everyone around him sings and dances. Poor guy! He really likes Marilyn, and finally starts dating her, only to find out that she sings, too. What's a guy to do? You'll just have to go find out. Get yourself down to the Union Colony Dinner Theatre tomorrow night (Saturday, August 2) and see what happens. And if you can't make it, throw some money Spencer's way so he can get it produced! It's a piece that needs to be shared. The music is so wonderful, and the message is strong: What would you SACKrifice for love? The singing and dancing are a metaphor, and the cool thing is that they have a different meaning for each person. It's not just one specific thing. Each individual can see themselves and their own experiences. Now THAT'S something theatre should do: Speak to everyone, no matter what their situation.

So BIG KUDOS to Spencer for writing an amazing show! When it's on Broadway someday, I get to say that I saw it first. :)

Props to Spencer, Erin, Nick, Alison, JT, & Jalyn for a great show! Oh, yeah...and Raja's cameo. Loved the Fiddler references!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

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