Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Angela's 12 Step Program to Beat Post-Show Blues

Original Post Date: March 22, 2007

This is a little thing I wrote a couple of years ago for a theatre message board that frequent. Enjoy!

Step 1: Take a deep breath! You successfully finished the run of a show without having a nervous breakdown! Good job!

Step 2: Put away any props, costumes, furniture, and/or knick knacks of yours that were used in the production. (This is especially applicable for high school & community theatres.)

Step 3: Go through pictures you took during the show and put in appropriate photo albums/scrapbooks.

Step 4: Write a note to each member of the cast that you liked, thanking them for helping to make the show a success, and that you hope to work with them again soon. (This step may be skipped if you gave anything to the cast prior to closing night.)

Step 5: Update your portfolio, if you have one.

Step 6: Stop singing the songs from the show at the drop of a hat!

Step 7: Stop reciting the lines from the show at the drop of a hat!

Step 8: Put away the program, and stop looking at it daily, getting teary-eyed about the cast members you miss.

Step 9: Pick a new song to learn that would make a good audition piece.

Step 10: Pick a new monologue to learn that would make a good audition piece.

Step 11: Start checking the call boards, newspapers, or whatever to see what auditions are coming up. (This step may be skipped if you already know what show you are doing next.)

Step 12: You are now ready to do another show without suffering severe withdrawal from the previous show. However, if you start randomly saying your old lines on stage, have someone slap you across the face and go directly back to step 7.

Disclaimers: This 12 Step program has not been fully tested, so use with care. This program is not to be used if you are going directly from one show to the next, as you will most likely not have time to get the post show blues. This program is not to be confused with Angela's 12 Step Program to Getting Over Marching Band Withdrawal.

This program is dedicated to: jazzygirlsings


Starlight girl: "If it weren't for the 12 step programme, I dont know where I would be today."

jazzygirlsings: "We follow a very strict 12 Step Program(See MusicaAngelica's thread!)...It's gonna be rough, it's gonna be horrible at times....but we will get through this together!"

Alex: Now I'm going to be perfectly honest. Angelica's dear old 12 Step Program is hard core. You'd think trying to stop looking at a program is easy but, oh boy, think again! The hours--the dieting--the stress..it's so hard to cope with. I try to work on #1, and then focus on #2, and then mess up the whole process so I have to start back at the beginning. So forget about what you've heard from these 12 step victims (jazzy & starlight) because, because I'm telling you the truth! That it's hard to let go! Finished! No, but really, Angelica, it's a good guide. Thankfully I don't get emotional when straight plays are over.

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