Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Story of my life...

Original Post Date: June 23, 2007

I was born a poor black child...

Wait, wrong life. This is the story of my life:

Don't you hate it when you are friends with someone and all of the sudden you have this feeling that you should be more than friends, but you have no idea how to tell them? You don't want to destroy the friendship, which is bound to happen if things don't work out. But in the meantime, you're driving yourself absolutely batty because you can't deny that you have these strong feelings. You're also afraid that they won't want to be more than friends, and then you'll just feel really stupid. And that will hurt the friendship, too, because you'll think about what an idiot you were all the time you're together. So you don't say anything. But you're still going crazy thinking about them all the time.

Yeah, this is the story of my life. And it's happening again. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! There are a million reasons to tell him and to expect that it would work out. There are a million reasons why it's silly to dream about it and I should just leave things how they are. I don't know what to do. I don't want to talk about it in anything but general terms, because frankly...it's silly. I'm not naming names. No one know who it is but me, and I ain't talkin'. I just need to vent for the moment.

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