Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The hits just keep on coming!

Original Post Date: August 8, 2007

Why is it that when you pay off your car, it suddenly goes to crap? First the incident at Red Rocks, of which the towing bill was the worst part. Now I had to get new tires today! Something's been wrong for awhile and I've put off taking the car in because I knew it would be expensive. Sure enough....one of my back tires was separating and so I had to buy a new one. Except you can't buy just one tire. Oh, no! You have to buy 2! $200 later and my car doesn't wobble anymore as I'm driving. That's nice. But I just bought tickets to "The Little Mermaid" down on the main floor and I really want to go see "The Last Five Years" in Aspen. Not to mention, I would LOVE to be out of debt. But no...a healthy car is a happy car. Woo-eee!

Will I ever get out of this hole that I'm in? *Angela shakes an angry fist*

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