Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Original Post Date: July 17, 2007

Okay, so I'm going to throw out a bunch of terms that have to do with my job, so stay with me.

Because of stupid freaking laws, if someone is buying a home or a condo in a homeowners association, the association is required to provide them with all sorts of documents. The Covenants, the By-Laws, Rules and Regs, Current Budget, Income Statement from the previous year, Board Meeting minutes from the last 6 months, and the Annual Meeting minutes. Okay, fine. We have a lot of this stuff on our website, but some of our associations didn't want the website. So, when I get those requests, I have to send hard copies of everything. Some things I can e-mail, but others I have to fax. Well, most covenants and bylaws are like 40 pages long. It's a pain in the butt to fax those. I usually make people come pick them up. So anyway, there's this condo that had a contract to sell and I sent out all the information. I mailed it, even. Well, that sale fell through for whatever reason, and now it's up for sale again. And I have to send the documents all over again. You'd think that when a sale falls through, the person who was going to buy the place would be so kind as to give back all the documents we gave him. HA! Not so much. So I'm babysitting the fax machine all afternoon, trying to send a 40 page fax in a fax machine that can only hold like 10 to 12 pages at a time. And wouldn't you know it...each page is taking at least 2 minutes to go through. GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then when I'm in the middle of all of this, a lady calls whom I recently turned over for collection. She owed a ton of back dues for the HOA. Well, I gave her several notices...no response. Then she calls the day after I had turned her over to say that she filed for Bankruptcy. We never got a notice about that...because she didn't include us in the bankruptcy. Nice. Then she's wondering why she got a letter from the lawyer. Well, that's what happens when you blow me off, chica. When I don't hear anything, I assume you're ignoring us...and you get your butt turned over for collection. You know you owe the dues. I know you owe the dues. Pay up or call me and set up a payment plan. It's so simple!!!! Now, technically, I can't write off the dues because of the bankruptcy. You didn't include us, therefore it doesn't apply to us. But I'll probably let it go. Count your blessings.

Did I mention that it's days like this that make me wonder why in the world I ever came back to work here? Sheesh! Why did the big headaches have to come during tech week?! I'm so tired. Angela need sleepy. My brain hurts. Nap time can't come soon enough!!!!!!!

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