Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Spider Man and my New Old Job

Original Post Date: May 10, 2007

Okay, so Spider Man and my job don't have anything do with each other, but that is a fun title. Makes you think they are connected. Well, if you have a weird mind like mine, it does.

Anyway, I saw Spider Man 3 yesterday. I just wanted to say that I think it's cool that Spider Man always has a message. Many action movies, and movies based on Comics, don't always have a clearly defined message. At least not one that is stated. Spider Man always does. "With great power comes great responsibility." How true is that? The message for Spidey 3 is "There's always a choice." True dat. I can't remember the message for Spidey 2, but I'm sure there was one.

I went back to work today. It was weird having to get up so early. I'm going to have to get used to that. I'm all re-oriented at work. Kinda like riding a bike. I haven't done it in awhile, but I remember the basics. I've only been gone from Falcon for 8 1/2 months. They haven't changed that much, just reorganized the office and moved some stuff around.

Since I'm back at work, I'll be on the internet much, much less. Just wanted to let everyone know, in case they miss me.

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