Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Say it isn't so!!!!

Original Post Date: May 12, 2007

I have just been informed that one of my favorite TV shows is being cancelled. I only religiously watch a handful of shows anymore, so when one leaves the air, I get a little upset!!! The latest victim to the fall of the axe is "Crossing Jordan." I know what some of you may be saying. "That show is still on the air?" That's what they say about "ER", too. I come and go with that show, but I'm totally back to watching it now that Stanley Tucci is on it. I LOVE HIM!!! (My name...is Muerte.)

Anyway, back to "Crossing Jordan." I love that show! I love it when Nigel gets a bee in his bonnet about something. Who can forget the vampire episode? Or the episode where Nigel and Bug spent the whole show arguing about the difference between Centaurs and Minotaurs. So funny!!! One of my favorite moments from this season was when the riots were going on and Nigel and Kate were holled up in a convenience store. When the guy tried to jump them, Kate basically ripped the guy a new one. She threatened to kill him and feed his liver to her dog. I laughed long and hard over that one. One of the best things about "Crossing Jordan" is when they start talking through how a crime was committed, and you get to see them reenact it. They did this pretty much every episode early on, but haven't done it as much lately.

It's been a good 6 seasons. I can't begrudge NBC for wanting to clean up the lineup a bit, but I'm very sad to see "Crossing Jordan" go. There are so many Crime Scene Investigator-type shows on TV, and this one is the only one that I watch.

Fair thee well, Jordan, Woody, Garrett, Bug, Nigel, Lily, & Kate. I'll miss you!!! At least I can watch reruns on A&E!!!

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