Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Why I Dislike Valentine's Day

Original Post Date: February 14, 2007

It's not because I'm single. And it's not because I live in Loveland, the Valentine's Day Capitol of the World.

Here's why I'm highly annoyed by V-Day:

Why do we have to set aside one day to shower loved ones with gifts? All the flowers, candy, stuffed animals, etc....why wait until February 14th? Why do we have to wait for that one day to show the love? Why can't we show the love any day of the year? I think that we'd be a much happier people if we showed and shared the love all the time, and didn't put all the focus on Valentine's Day. Call me a Valentine's Day cynic if you want, but this is how I feel. My dad is taking my mom out to lunch today, which is fine. They do that occasionally. But when my dad asked if my sister and I wanted to come, too, I said no. He can take my mom out without us kids tagging along. And besides, he can take us out to lunch any time, not just on Valentine's Day!

Sure, the fact that I'm very single and have been for awhile might have a little something to do with my dislike for this holiday. I celebrate Single's Awareness Day. I will be wearing all black today. All day. I actually avoid wearing red (one of my favorite colors) all week in protest. But that's me. Some people see the glass as half full (optomists), some see the glass as half empty (pessimists), others want to know what's in the glass (cynics.) I'm in the third group.

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