Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Original Post Date: July 8, 2007

I went to see Oklahoma! at the Union Colony Dinner Theatre last night. I don't have time for a full review, because I'm dog tired from partying with the cast afterwards! But I just want to say...

In general, I'm tired of Oklahoma!. I've done the show twice. But I do enjoy seeing it every now and again. I like to see the different takes on the show and the characters. This production was directed by Lloyd Norton and he assembled a kickin' cast, so there was some great attention to detail. My good friend Erin Voorhies is hands down the best Laurey that I've ever seen. I have never liked the character of Laurey, simply because no one ever plays her right. She has to show immediate regret for accepting Jud's invitation to the box social. It was a snap bad decision, made just to tick off Curly. Most times, we don't see that regret until later, and it makes Laurey seem weak and rather wishy-washy. Not so with Erin's portrayal! We see the regret instantly and her fear of Jud is clearly evident from the start! It was so nice to see the fresh take, and Laurey done right!!!

Tom Krebs as Curly and Jalyn Webb as Aunt Eller were both spot on! As well as Lloyd Norton as Andrew Carnes and Raja Salaymeh as Ali Hakim. But enough about the people I know well and have worked with.

Brandon Bill was super scary as Jud Fry, with a booming basso profundo voice! The small ensemble did a great job, and the show overall was very entertaining. Great show, y'all! YEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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