Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Here's to a better week!

Original Post Date: July 1, 2007

So my weekend pretty much sucked. "Crap" doesn't even begin to describe the depth and fortitude of how bad the weekend was.

First it was the car thing. I'm dreading the call from the mechanic, telling me how much I owe him. Because after he fixes that problem, I've got to get the tires fixed. There is something wrong with the alignment. Great. JUUUUUUUUUST great. I pay off the car and then look what happens. Sheesh!!!

Then there was the whole painting thing. I really didn't mind doing the painting while Shauna was gone to Texas, but I really would have LOOOOOVED some help. Instead, I had to do the finish work on over 200 books all by myself. I titled 140 books on Saturday alone. That's not even counting the books that I just decorated and didn't put titles one. I worked on that for 2 hours Friday night and the most of the day on Saturday...all by my lonesome. Only my CDs and the little neighbor girl to keep me company. Thank heavens for my Monopoly Here and Now breaks on the computer, or I'd have totally lost my mind.

I did get my laundry done, so there's a bonus for the weekend. Whoopity doo!

So here's to a better week! It can only get better, right? RIGHT?! I shouldn't tempt fate. That's what got me into this mess in the first place. Never, EVER think "Wow, things are going pretty good for me right now." Suddenly you'll have something crappy fall in your lap and heeeeeeeere we go again!!! ACK!!!!!

Good things to look forward to this week:

PAY DAY!!! I get paid tomorrow! Money!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4th of July. MY MOST FAVORITEST HOLIDAY!!!! I love the fireworks and, as a piccolo player, I think Stars and Stripes Forever is the rockin-est song ever!

Rehearsal every night. Yes, I'm looking forward to this! I love the show and I'm so excited to see things coming together. We've been hit and miss with the rehearsal schedule and the ensemble has been kind of separate from the principals. It'll be great to start run throughs and see the show as a whole! I'm very excited!! I also want to find out what object I am in Human Again, what we get to do in The Mob Song, and if I'm in The Battle.

Seeing Oklahoma! on Saturday. I'm very excited to FINALLY get to see Oklahoma! at the UCDT. We tried a couple weeks ago and it didn't work out. Now we get to go for cheap, with all our BATB buddies! Right on!!!!

See! I can find good things! Think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts. Now if I can make it through the week work-wise. It's always busy this time of month. Oh, and I'm working both jobs this week. Woo-eee!!

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