Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ever have one of those days?

Original Post Date: April 15, 2007

I'm having "one of those days." Except that today has been okay until about 15 minutes ago. My day went from "Meh" to "BOOOOOOO!!!" just like that!

1. We had cheesecake for my dad's birthday, and there was some left over. From where I was sitting at the table, I thought I could see that there were several pieces left. Enough for me to wait to have a piece until my dinner digested. Well, unbeknownest to me, my mom saw that there was one small piece left. Instead of saving it for me, she cut it in two and gave half to my dad and half to herself...in addition to the pieces they already had! It wasn't until after they were done and cleared that I went noticed the empty cheesecake tray on the counter. I quickly opened the fridge. No cheesecake in sight!!! I immediately vocalized my distress (i.e. I started whining about lack of cheesecake.) My mom said "Well, it was just a fraction of a piece that was left." And I said "SO?! I would have eaten it!!!" I SAY BOO!!!!! There's no cheesecake, no popcorn, no ice cream in the house. And no milk, so I can't even make pudding or something!!!!!! Again....I SAY BOO!!!!!

2. The rule around here is that if you make dinner (or help make dinner) on Sunday, you don't have to help clean up. Well, I made dinner today. All of it, except the salad. And guess who had to clean up. Yep, me. Everyone was leaving for various things and I'm the one at home. 'Cept the dishwasher is full, so it's running. And I don't feel like washing the dishes by hand. So they are sitting in the sink. I might do them later, I might not. However, while I was rinsing off a ladle, so that I could put it in the dishwasher, it turned just right under the running water and sprayed a ton of warm water right out of the sink and on to my shirt. Great. JUST GREAT!!!!

3. Did I mention there's no popcorn or ice cream or milk in the house? Mmmmyeah.

So that's how my day went from "Meh" to "BOOOOOO!!!!" in a matter of minutes. I'm going to go watch "The Amazing Race" now. If Charla and Mirna get "Phil"eminated, then my day will get infinitely better!!!!!!!!!

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