Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Original Post Date: March 23, 2007

I had the privilege of seeing Greeley Central High School's production of Oliver tonight. I say privilege for two reasons: 1st, because I got in for free. My sister designed their set (which was gorgeous, by the way). 2nd, because it was a fabulous show!

I don't see as many high school shows as I used to, but it's always fun to go and see young performers who are just learning the craft. Now, you have to understand, Central is the Arts Magnet High School for Greeley. These kids I saw tonight are the best of the best. Seriously, these kids were great! I was most impressed with The Artful Dodger. (My program isn't handy, so I don't know anyone's real name.) His accent was spot on, and I understood every word. His movements were unhindered and he looked totally at home on the stage. Very fun to watch! I also have to commend the chorus. Because of my background, I always watch them more than the leads, especially when I know the show. Everyone was in character and it was fun to see them do little things when I'm sure they thought no one was looking. Well, I was looking...and they were delightful! A few other cast members worthy of note: the kid who played Oliver had a beautiful voice! He did a marvelous job. The girl playing Nancy had great characterization. She is such a multi-layered character, and she's difficult for a high schooler to tackle, but this girl did a great job. And of course, Noel Johnston as Fagin. Noel is retiring after 37 years of teaching and his farewell to the school (and the theatre program) was to play Fagin. He was an absolute delight! He captured Fagin's good nature and spineless-ness perfectly!

And finally...and this is something that goes all the way back to my high school days...a show isn't truly awesome unless I cry (this, of course, does not apply to comedies.) Well...I cried tonight. I got a little teary when Nancy died, but it wasn't until Oliver is reunited with his grandfather that the tears truly fell. Such a touching scene!!!!

All in all, a great show. I thoroughly enjoyed my evening. Thanks, Greeley Central!

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